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2018 Donated to LHSC Transplant Program "New Canvas of Life" Yellowknife NWT Aurora Borealis 20162017 Donated to LHSC - Hospital Fundraiser2016 Donated to LHSC The Art of Transplantation FundraiserSOLD! "Grooming Mama Loon"SOLD “Ever Watchful”  - Common Loon Northern MichiganSOLD! "Martial Eagle" AfricaSOLD! “Staying Together” - Elephant Family in Tarangiers Park Tanzania.SOLD! “Solfar - Sun Voyager” Viking Sculpture Reykjavik IcelandSOLD! “Caribou Cruise” - Denali National Park AlaskaSOLD! “Early Morning Blues” - Bamfield BC Marine Research Station.SOLD! "Mama Berg"2017 DONATED to Nature London Fundraiser. "Bear in the Blueberries" - Denali NP2018 SOLD! "Motherly Love"Donated to Parry Sound Hospice and to Optimists Stratford "Canadian Reflections"Donated to LHSC Country Classic Fundraiser Auction - "Aurora at Play” - near Yellowknife NWTDonated to LHSC New Canvas of Life  Fun“Slow Easy Flow” - Lake of Two Rivers, Algonquin Park OntarioDonated to Make A Wish Fundraiser-“Family Outing” - Tanzania Africa. Wrapped CanvasDonated to Make a Wish Fundraiser. “Mount Denali”His Majesty - Bull Moose - Denali National Park. Wrapped Canvas“Canadian Reflections” - Lake Shebeshekong. Wrapped Canvas